You’ve read right, memers — we’ve just become partners in crime with none other than everyone’s beloved DEXTools, the world’s top decentralized exchange analytical set of tools that every investor and trader relies on.
We’ve been brewing for this partnership a while ago, to be honest, and it’s a great milestone for memeunity to reach now that it’s finally official. Our partnership is the beginning of a deep relationship bound to grow and go deeper further and further as time passes, as we have a lot of plans to nurture our relationship with our friends at DEXT.
This relationship had started in our seed phase back in January and February, when we managed to close the entirety of our seed phase thanks to DEXTForce, the community behind DEXTools, and now it’s time for this relationship to extend beyond investments, and turn into collaboration, coordination, and mutual growth.
If you’re curious to know what our partnership means, this is what it entails:
- will hold banners and advertisements that are mutually showing on DEXT occasionally.
- Special benefits for DEXT holders who use MU’s ecosystem.
- Special benefits for MU on DEXTools.
This is only the beginning, and we hope to grow this partnership into a unique, blossoming one that benefits both companies as much as possible. Exciting days are ahead of us, memers, and be sure that we’ll keep you all posted.
Stay awesome. ❤