The Meme Wars Commence!

3 min readApr 5, 2021



Hello, memers! First and foremost, happy Easter! We hope you’ve all enjoyed the holidays, and are excited for this awesome month. We believe that April is going to be one of the best months for memeunity, and we’d like to kick it off by officially starting the meme wars.

So, what is this?

The Meme Wars will be a monthly event that we start on the 1st of every month (except this April, lol) — and we intend to keep it running for at least a year. The rules for this event may seem complicated at first, but once you get used to it, it’ll all make sense!

Meme Wars are made of 3 factions. Each faction has 1 designated leader and 5 recruits/soldiers. Each faction has a “flag” — that flag is a meme that the faction leader chooses. The rules are simple. Once a meme flag has been chosen, the each faction must create as many memes as they can that are related to the flag/meme they chose. Any meme that isn’t related to the flag won’t count.

The Rules:

First things first, the starting stage for the Meme Wars is the nomination of the faction leaders, which is done by our team. We will be nominating 10 members from Telegram based on their funny content, contributions and activity in the group chat. After that, we will initiate a vote within our main chat where everyone can vote for who they want to lead the factions. Finally, we pick the top 3 individuals who were voted for to become the main 3 faction leaders.

After that, each faction leader will choose 5 recruits to help them win the war by making enough powerful, hilarious memes.

The war will be separated into battles, spread across the month. The more battles a faction wins, the higher their chances of winning the entire war. Battles will commence once every week and the winning faction will be determined by community votes on Telegram.

The Rewards:

For the 1st place faction, the rewards will be:

  • Leader receives $1,000 in DANK + 1 month access to MU’s Troops (if not a member already)
  • Every recruit receives $500 in DANK + 1 month access to MU’s Troops (if not a member already)
  • Free MU Merch

For the 2nd place faction, the rewards will be:

  • Leader receives $500 in DANK
  • Every recruit receives $250 in DANK
  • Free MU Merch

For the 3rd place faction, the rewards will be:

  • Leader receives $250 in DANK
  • Every recruit receives $100 in DANK
  • Free MU Merch

We’re also going to pick a “Quartermaster” — someone who will be in charge of coordinating the meme wars, pretty soon. If we don’t settle on one for the first war, we’re going to have it done in collaboration with multiple team members until we designate someone for this role in the next meme war of May.

We’ll follow up soon with the nominees on Telegram!


